Monday, April 27, 2009

The Tran's Home

Duong and Chong-Min hosted the event in April (4/26/09). Due to an illness there was a last minute change in venue from the Gleason's to the Tran's. We enjoyed a sunny day in Kirkland. It was Hayden Tran's and Ben Triplett's first club event. Very exciting. We had BBQ ribs, Chardonnay wine tasting, chicken sausages, cous cous, guacamole, pineapple salsa, strawberries, and chocolate cake made with Vodka & Kahlua. Mmmm! Salem sporting a new do. Alexander doing his couch potato impersonnation.
Ben is the elder of the group.
Carla and Alexander
Carin with Hayden
Leah getting the golf bug
"Golf balls taste GRRRRREEEAAATTT!"
Salem tasting an Easter Egg.
Salem using mommy for some shade
Alexander gets multi-purpose use out of his pants
The next Corona commercial - Tran Style.
The line-up with Easter Eggs.
Unfortunatley the Triplett's had to leave early.
Leah takes her skin protection seriously.
Chardonnay in order of preferences were Sea Ridge, La Creme, and Kendall-Jackson Reserve. Surprisingly the $4 bottle was the most popular. I think the kids would have chosen FORMULA to be #1.
Megan with Hayden.
Play time for adults.
Baby Kate in her party dress

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Kopet's Home

Elliot and Carla hosted the 3rd event at their home in North Seattle March 2009. The weather was gorgeous. The club welcomed a new member, Kate Triplett born March 6th.
No there's nothing wrong with your computer. Yes Kate is a newborn. The line up.
Circle time. Giants standing over the babies. Salem enjoys circle time.
Alexander Kopet having a snack.
Cade Gleason. Does he have mascara on? Amazing eyelashes.
The club shared the same day with Chong-Min's birthday on the 29th. And no there was no baby yet. No shots this birthday just cupcakes. We did reveal to the club the baby name though.
Kate and Alexander. What a cute couple.

The Pendleton's Home

Gavin and Carin hosted the second get together in February of 2009 in Duvall. Duong with Cade and Leah. This daddy business is easy. Mommies and their babies. Jen Gleason made it to this one. Chong-Min still had her baby cookin in the oven.
New friends. Salem, Leah, Cade, and Alexander. Leah is already attracting the fellas.

The Humphrie's Home

Jim and Megan Humphries hosted the first Kid n' Play Club event at their home on the Snoqualmie Ridge in January 2009.
Salem and Leah head banging. The daddies and their babies. Duong's had not arrived yet but he was invited anyways. Salem is already a Bud Light fan. Salem, Leah, and Alexander chillin.